Iranians History on This Day

 Feb 4 

Esther, the Jewish Wife of Xerxes
Xerxes (Ahasuerus – Khashayarsha), the then king of Iran, who ruled over a vast land covering India up to Danube and from the plains in the northeast of Central Asia up to Libya, after suppressing the riot in Babylon in 482 BC and conquering Athens in 480 BC and returning from the expedition to Europe, on 4 February 479 BC, he came to know, through his wife, Esther, from the Shaul family (Jewish), who is buried in the city of Hamedan, about the plot of his prime minister (vizier), Haman, to kill all Jews of ancient Persia and ordered to annul this plot the same night. According to Greek and Jewish historians, this order was sent all over Persia (Iran) in 3 days, which, considering the facilities of those days is a unique record. According to the book of “Esther”, which is 24 centuries old, Haman had falsely announced that Xerxes had ordered to kill all Jews, whether young or old. In those days all the Jews of the world were Iranian subjects and lived in this Empire, s territory.
    After nullifying Haman, s circular, Xerxes, son of Darius the Great and the grandson of Cyrus the Great, gave Haman to the court of justice to be tried in Susa (Shush, the administrative capital of Iran) where he was executed. From that day up to now the Jews celebrate this day every year (according to their own calendar), which is called the Purim festival.
     Translation by Rowshan Lohrasbpour
Persian Empire




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