Iranians History on This Day

 Mar 5 

The Very Interesting Letter of the Chinese Emperor to Kavadh 1, the Sassanid King
In March of AD 521, Xiau Yan, the Chinese Emperor (AD 502-550), wrote a letter to Kavadh I, the then Sassanid king, text of which remains upto this day, has been translated to most of the languages, and is a very interesting historic document. According to comparison of various calendars this letter was signed and sealed on 6 March in Nanjing (its ancient name was Jiang Kang).
    The special ambassador of Xiau had paved the route from Nanjing to Ctesiphon through Khujand and Samarghand, in 3 months. Xiau is the founder of the Liang dynasty and ruled over China for 48 years and wrote in his message: Having close relationship, friendship, understanding and cooperation with Persians and establishing permanent representations of both governments in each other’s capitals has always been my wish, and accomplishing it will be a blessing. We Chinese are pupils of Confesius, who had common belief and thoughts with your Zarathushtra. We have become Buddists but the humanitarian, morale and cultural teachings of Confesius has enlightened our way like the sun. Government employments and election of authorities, exactly according to the teachings of Confesius, is carried out after precise examination, and also our university programs.” This letter then deals with political matters and is very detailed.
    During the reign of the Parthians, Iran and China enjoyed very close and sincere relationships which continued in the Sassanid era. The skirmish between Iran and the Huns made the transit route between Iran and China, especially the silk road, on the other side of Seihun (Syr Darya) insecure and exchange of ambassador faced disruption.
    The ambassador of Xiau arrived Iran at a time when the Iranian government had opened the entrance route for Bulgarians into the Roman territory and these Bulgarian migrants were threatening Constantinople city. It had been agreed that the Roman government would pay Iran to prevent the Bulgarians and other Mogul tribes from entering the Roman territory from the north of Caucasia and the transfer of this money had been stopped. Before arrival of the Chinese ambassador, Kavadh had appointed Khosrau Anushirvan as heir to the throne, because he was more able, though he was the 3rd son, and Khosrau had lengthy meetings and exchange of information with the Chinese ambassador, details of which are recorded in history.
    Translation by Rowshan Lohrasbpour (AmordadNews writer)




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