Iranians History on This Day

 Jul 26 
The importance of daily exercise (fitness) for cardiovascular patients, diabetic and aging

    In July of 2022 the latest statistics on diseases showed a global increase in cardiovascular patients, diabetes, and complications of sedentariness and aging. Several medical research centers and health experts reiterated that diet and medication is not enough to avoid them. The importance of daily exercise (fitness) is emphasized.
    In the US, many hospitals are attached to, or affiliated with, medically based fitness centers. These fitness centers are not for the body building clientele; these centers are non-intimidating gym environments for people with chronic health conditions, are new to exercise, and/or the senior population.
    The Lifestyle Center has fitness staff, which has at least a Bachelor’s degree and a nationally recognized certification, to help guide members with the appropriate exercise prescription.
    If the group exercise environment is preferred, we also offer many different types of classes, anything from stretch classes to higher intensity strength training to keep you challenged and motivated.
    In July 2022, a Virginia media outlet published an article about the Lifestyle Center, a medically-based fitness center affiliated with Chesapeake Regional Healthcare, and the importance of at least 30 minutes of daily exercise. Erika Smith (born July 26, 1980), the Lifestyle Fitness Center Coordinator, and a trainer at the facility, had explained the importance of daily fitness, not only for the prevention or control of chronic diseases, but also for better sleep, improved digestion, and increased metabolism. She also stated that exercise does not have to be done in a gym environment. It can be done anywhere and can be done in small segments broken up throughout the day. Always remember that any movement is better than none at all.

The Khazar tribe and the priority of defeating them
Towards the end of July, 199 AD. And according to the writings of some historians, and also by comparing calendars, on 26 July Balash the 4th, the Parthian king of Iran, drove away the emigrant Khazar tribes, which were moving from the north of Central Asia to the west and a group of them had penetrated into some coastal parts of the Caspian Sea (Caucasus) and were busy capturing more land, beyond Darband (the Russian pronunciation is Derbant). Though Balash was warned of the attack of Severus, the Roman Emperor, who had entered the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and was planning to progress towards the East, he gave priority to drive away the Khazars and by sending one message of peace to Severus, he sent an army from Iran to drive away the Khazars, and succeeded.
    Khazar, as a word, means “wandering and homeless”. Migration of this tribe happened during the migration of the Avars, Bulgarians and Huns from the north plains of Syr Darya (Jaxartes) towards Europe. The Bulgarians were from Pamir and originally Persian. The Bulgarians of Volga still use the Old Persian terms. From all these emigrant tribes the Khazars have dissolved. At that time, the Khazars accepted the Jewish religion and it is said that the Ashkenazi Jews, who are scattered in Eastern Europe and other areas are the Khazars which were scattered by the Russians. After conquering Iran, the Arabs were planning to attack Europe through Caucasia but were stopped by the Khazars. But later, they penetrated into Europe through Spain. Though the Khazars were no more existing, the Russians (after establishing an empire) from the 16th century onwards, based on their political benefits, named the Sea of Mazandaran the ‘Khazar’ Sea. The ancient Greek named this Sea in the name of an Iranian tribe, Caspian, who were living in the southwest of the Sea and the name ‘Caspin =Cazvin and now Qazvin’ is taken from this tribe. This name has now become international. In present century (the Hejri calendar, three times the Iranian newspapers, compilers of Farsi text books and school teachers were instructed to use the Sea of Mazandaran instead of Khazar Sea: once in 1307 (1928), second time after the nationalization of the oil industries in 1330 (1951) and the third time in 1335 (1956), when the weather cast Organization was established and weather news broadcasted from the National Radio of Iran.
     Translation by Rowshan Lohrasbpour
Severe defeat of the Roman army from Iran in July 297 AD
On 26 July 297 AD, in a place not far from the Euphrates River, between Harran (south-west Turkey) and Arragheh (central-north Syria and east of Halab) the Iranian army gave a hard defeat to the Roman army commanded by Galerius, the son-in-law of Diocletianus, the Roman Emperor. Galerius, who retreated to Antioch, after this defeat, was humiliated by Deocletianus.
    Diocletianus made Galerius to walk a long distance in front of him, on a long route. However, Diocletianus decided, on condition that Galerius promises to make a surprise attack on Narsi, the Sassanian King, he would not repudiate him. This was the third battle of Rome and Iran during the rule of Narsi, the Sassanian King of Iran, which Iran had started. In 295 AD Narsi blamed the Roman government of interfering in Armenia’s internal affairs and declared war with Rome. The war of Iran and Rome, the two super powers in the world of those days, was repeated 8 times during the reign of Deocletianus and his viceroy, Maximian.
    Translation by Rowshan Lohrasbpour (Amordad-News writer)




 Contact Author: n.keihanizade [a]